Target groups

There are three principal target groups in this project:

  1. Higher Education Institutions in maritime field play an active role in the region of the involved partners as they are responsible for education of experts in the field in terms of economic and social contribution.
  2. Maritime students that have prior interdisciplinary knowledge in various fields acquired through their studies (mathematics, ship management techniques, navigation safety, maritime protection, maritime economy, maritime law, etc.). Despite the acquired skill sets the STCW Convention, which is above the national education system, creates the need for specific knowledge in the field of maritime law. The further career advancement of seafarers is conditioned by passing the mate’s exam, within which the law of the sea is incorporated. This creates a need for developing teaching materials applicable during formal education at the maritime HEIs as well as during informal education (preparation of mate’s exams, lifelong learning).
  3. Teachers of maritime law at maritime HEIs who must create an innovative approach to education in order to adapt the extensive subject of maritime law to people with primarily technical knowledge, who are not experts in law. In order to respond the specific needs of seafarers, teachers must continuously improve their digital knowledge and skills, all with the aim of adapting their materials for creation of novel and flexible learning pathways.
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